

Sus cartas

15 La atención de un paciente

  Carta ampliada

A la honorable Subbamma

Debido a un trabajo urgente, he vuelto hoy a Puttaparthy. Hice todos los preparativos para ti. He pagado Rs. 150 a Venkataramana para el alquiler del cuarto, y Rs. 20 son para que te las entregue a ti. He pagado Rs. 10 a la sirvienta. Para tus gastos de regreso le he pagado a Appa Rao y le he encargado a él la tarea. Me dijeron que no podrás viajar en automóvil cuando te hayan dado de alta del hospital, y como Yo iba a ser demorado por otras cosas, he venido por mi cuenta. Puedes quedarte en casa de Venkaratamana, y volver sólo después de que hayas descansado durante 2 días. No tienes que preocuparte de nada. He hecho personalmente todos los arreglos para ti, antes de partir. Tuve que venir urgentemente, ya que se aproxima el festival de Dassera, y yo tenía que hacer todos los preparativos. Guardo tu equipaje bajo mi custodia personal, con jampala, saris y demás. Ponte contenta, en él he dejado prasadam para ti. Instruye a la sirvienta para que te cuide como corresponde, e infórmale que esas son mis instrucciones para ella. Dile que debe ganarse un buen nombre mediante su servicio.

Ven a Puttaparthy con Appa Rao

Con bendición,
Baba garu

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To Subbamma garu

Due to urgent work. I returned to Puttaparthy today itself. I have made all arrangement for you. I have paid Rs.150 to Venkataramana towards room rent. Rs.20 to be paid to you. I have paid Rs.10 to the servant maid. For your return charges I have paid Appa Rao and entrusted the task with him. I was told that you cannot travel by car after discharge from the hospital, and since I would be delayed otherwise. I came here by myself. You can stay at Venkataramana’s house and return only after taking rest for 2 days. You need not worry on any account. I have made all the arrangements for you personally before leaving. I had to come here urgently as the Dassera festival approaching and I had to make all the arrangements. I am keeping under my personal custody your baggage with jampala, saris and others. Be happy I have kept some prasadam in this for you. Warn the servant maid to take care of your properly and inform her that this is my directive to her. Tell her that she should earn a good name by her service..

Come to Puttaparthy with Appa Rao.

With Blessing
Baba garu

Traduccion Ricardo Gutierrez